Are you thinking about filming your podcast? Before you rush out and decide to do a video podcast as well as an audio podcast, consider these three key things.
How long should a podcast introduction be?
Did you know that most podcast listeners stop listening to a new episode within the first 90 seconds? First impressions count, so it’s important to make your podcast intro compelling and the right length to capture your listeners’ attention. In this video, our Lead Audio Engineer Shay Moshe explains what happens if your intro is too long and what you should be aiming for when scripting it.
What does ‘Audio Quality’ actually mean?
Does audio quality really matter? In this article, learn the 3 elements of audio quality, and how you can make your podcast sound the best it can be!
What is a podcast host?
In this video, our Lead Audio Engineer Shay Moshe explains what a hosting platform is, and how it works.
If you want your podcast to get distributed to directories like iTunes, Spotify and Google Podcasts, you MUST set up an account and publish your podcast with a podcast hosting platform.
How To Pitch Yourself As A Podcast Guest
Being a guest on other people’s shows is an excellent way to boost your professional brand. After all, it’s free and instant exposure to a whole new audience! But what is the best way to do it? We share our thoughts on how to pitch yourself as a podcast guest – what to do, and what NOT to do.
Should Your Organisation Start A Podcast?
Are you looking for a new communications channel to engage with your staff or stakeholders? Podcasts can serve as a valuable element of your comms strategy – one that caters specifically to an audience who loves the audio medium. Learn why you might want to consider creating a podcast for your organisation.