podcast education students Australia

When we talk about education, we usually picture the traditional teacher-student dynamic, where the teacher decides what the students should learn and how to teach it. But times have changed, and technology has completely revolutionised the way we live and learn. 

One exciting development in this educational tech journey is the rise of educational podcasts. These little gems are making waves and for all the right reasons! They're not here to replace in-person teaching, of course, but they certainly bring some serious value to the table. 

Think of them as crucially important resources that can truly make a difference in how well students perform in the end.

From primary schools to high schools and even universities, podcasts are levelling up the learning game. They're breaking down barriers, making lessons more accessible, engaging, and informative for students of all ages. 

So, if you're a teacher looking to spice up your lessons or a university educator looking to engage your students in a fun and interactive way, read on to discover how educational podcasts can support you and your learners.

Podcasts enrich learning

The first conclusion that emerges from most of these studies is that podcasts can be an effective teaching resource with positive pedagogical results and can undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of learning. O'Bryan & Hegelheimer, Walls et al and Fehennig consider that the use of podcasts had a positive effect on the understanding of teaching materials, on improving knowledge and on student performance

Bolliger et al, studying 302 students who participated in 14 online courses of various disciplines using podcasts published through iTunes University, found an increase in  motivation and self-confidence of students, who found the podcasts very interesting as learning materials. 

Podcasts projects improve collaboration

Going one step further, Lazzari, Fernandez et al and Ainsworth not only offered podcasts to their students, but also involved them in developing podcasts for their courses. It was almost a common finding that the participation of students in podcast design and creation hadpositive effects on the development of their learning skills and motivation, while at the same time promoted the development of collaborative and critical thinking skills.

Podcasts are inclusive

In other research, podcasts have been found to help reduce student stress and provide a more inclusive way of learning. Walls et al believe that podcasts are suitable for enriching distance learning and help slower learners, as they allow them to work at their own pace in their available time, while Kim & King believe that implementing podcasts as part of teacher training courses leads to more prepared teachers.

To sum it up

Podcasts can vastly improve the learning environment and present a wide array of narrative types and subject matter to explore in the class, as well as help build confidence and literacy among your students and promote collaborative and critical thinking skills. 

Conversational tone of podcasts and contemporary topics make it easy for teachers to include their students in the actual conversation, and for students to actually feel as a part of the discussion, and not just passive listeners.

When we consider all of the above benefits, as well as the ease of accessibility, the creation of teacher-centred podcast communities and the opportunities for learning on the go - there’s really no reason not to consider it!

If you are in education and are keen to explore what a podcast could look like for your students, school or faculty, we’d be happy to have a chat and share ideas with you! Contact us at info@podcastservices.com.au, or https://podcastservices.com.au/contact/.

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  • Panagiotidis, Panagiotis. (2021). PODCASTS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. RESEARCH REVIEW AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES. 10708-10717. 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2227. 
  • N. Fehennig, “Podcasts in context”, Library Technology Reports, 53(2), pp. 30-38, 2017. https://journals.ala.org/index.php/ltr/article/view/6232/8116
  • D. Kim and K. King, “Implementing podcasts with ESOL teacher candidates’ preparation: Interpretations and implication”, International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 7(2), pp. 5-19, 2011. 
  • D. Bolliger, S. Supanakorn and C. Boggs, “Impact of podcasting on student motivation in the online learning environment”, Computers & Education, 55(2), pp. 714-722, 2010.
  • A. O’Bryan and V. Hegelheimer, “Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course”, ReCALL, 19(2), pp. 162-180, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0958344007000523
  • M. Lazzari, “Creative uses of podcasting in higher education and its effect on competitive agency”. Computers & Education, 52(1), pp. 27–34, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2008.06.002
  • V. Fernandez, P. Simo and J. Sallan, “Podcasting: A new technological tool to facilitate good practice in higher education”, Computers & Education, 53 (2), pp. 385-392, 2010.